Join our monthly caucus meetings!

We meet on the first Tuesday of EVERY month at 9 pm on Zoom.
We use the same Zoom link for every meeting!

Join our committees!

We have four distinct committees — working groups — focused on building the progressive movement in the great state of Michigan. These committees are open to any progressive Michiganders! Pop in to any meeting!

Political Organizing Committee

The key to a progressive grassroots victory is mobilization, and that begins with knowing who we need to mobilize! Work with our team on data management, email list recruitment, and building relations with other activists and organizations with-in Michigan's progressive movement!

Meets on the second Tuesday of every EVEN month at 9pm

Community organizers, leaders, and activists often make the best candidates. Sometimes they just need a little push or direction in order to commit to running for local office! Work with our team to create resources, trainings, and informative material for activists to learn about the different positions they can run for. 

Candidate Recruitment Committee

Meets on the second Tuesday of every ODD month at 9pm

Once we get activists to run, we will do everything we can to help them win. Work with our team to create endorsement and evaluation criteria for progressive candidates across Michigan. Additionally, help local and first time candidates learn how to fundraise, design literature, canvas, phonebank and get connected with local activists and organizers.

Campaign Committee

Meets on the third Tuesday of every EVEN month at 9pm

Far too often politicians are elected to office off of the work of activists and working class voters, only to turn around and break their promises to the people that elected them. Work with our team to research and write up statements and press releases that call out politicians -- especially Democrats - when they fail to resist Trump's fascist regime.  

Resolutions Committee

Meets on the forth Tuesday of every EVEN month at 9pm